Saturday, October 10, 2009

This is the life.

Airlie Beach is a small backpacker town right on the coast which serves as the best port for travellers seeking to explore the Whitsunday Islands. It consists of a one mile long strip with all the town has to offer: fish and chips, heaps of hostels, packed bars and clubs that appear to have 24 hour happy hours, cheap beach clothing, and Internet cafes. We had a booking at the Airlie Beach YHA hostel. Coming from the 4* star hotel room the night before, this was somewhat of an adjustment. It’s been a while since I have had to share a toilet and shower with complete strangers, but it had a bed and it was cheap. That’s all we really needed.

The next morning we woke up early for our Whitsunday adventure. We booked a 3 day, 2 nights, sailing trip around the Whitsunday Islands on The Drifter. The boat was “an old wooden ship”. It was relatively spacious and we were excited to meet some other travellers. On our boat we had a young Danish couple, two Northern Irish people of course, a lovely French couple with their 23 year old son, a Canadian girl who was clearly shagging our Kiwi dive instructor, a German guy our age travelling on his own and finally, our jolly Australian skipper who loved Country music and looked like he regularly enjoyed some fish and chips (although this did not stop him from wearing itty bitty briefs to go swimming).

Our boat, The Drifter.

The Drifter Crew.
Erin and the Skipper, Bernard.

An eagle soaring over the boat one day.

We took off that morning on the Drifter and were given a nice debriefing on safety precautions and things to look out for in the water. In a nut shell: everything in the water will either kill you or cause you serious pain. Haha. Our Kiwi guide first discussed the reef sharks, the sting rays, the poisonous coral that could live inside you if you were accidentally step on the reef with your barefoot, and then the current that could easily sweep you into the great blue ocean hundreds of meters from your boat within minutes. Then he so calmly discussed my favourite part, the box jellyfishes. This part of the East coast has seasonal visits from box jellyfish. These are not your average jellyfish; they are the most poisonous creature on earth. Not exactly something a good pee on the leg can cure. The start of the “stinger” season, as they call it, is October. Of course, right when we were there. As anyone who has ever gone on a beach vacation with me knows, I am terrified of underwater creatures. Seriously terrified. So as if the sharks and barracudas were not enough to keep my bum on the boat, this was convincing me to not enter the water the entire time I’m in Oz.

After a few hours of convincing and the promise of a wet-suit, I jumped into the water with Paddy for our first snorkel. It was scary at first but Paddy and I had a great time. We saw some amazing fish, including a school of barracudas. The three day trip consisted of checking out a handful of the 74 islands and snorkeling just off their shores. On our last snorkel Paddy and I saw the famous “Elvis” fish. I believe it’s actually called a Napoleon fish but whatever the hell it was called it was bigger than a small boy (or Nils) and it scared the shit out of me. I immediately jumped on Paddy’s back afraid it was going to eat me and Paddy looked at me with wide eyes asking if we can follow it.

In summary, it was a great trip with good company, surprisingly delicious food and unbeatable scenery (including a stop to Whitehaven beach which I would love to try to describe, but I am afraid my words could not give it justice.) For those of you who spent hours trying to convince me that I must go for a dive while I was up here...... you would be happy to know that I went for my first dive on the last day (depsite the fact that my very manly boyfriend had already dived on a previous trip and was refusing to do it again). I really did enjoy it although not sure I will be rushing out to get certified anytime soon. We only went under about 30 feet but it was incredible to see the coral and the fish so far below the surface of the water. Thanks for all the encouragement guys!

A little romance on the beach.

A group of Japanese tourists arrived on Whitehaven beach by plane. Here it is taking off right by our boat.


  1. I am so proud of you!!! Not just for the diving - which I would bever do - but the fact that you actually went in the water knowing ahead of time the many creatures you would encounter. Way to say "The hell with it, you only live once". Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures. These are awesome!

  2. So Glad you went for the dive! You would've regretted not doing it. Love the romance on the beach pic!
